Administration Concert Conference/Meeting Fri Kunst Music Freedom Day News Project Safe Residencies

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024


February 16, 2024
Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo

For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle i samfunnet, i tillegg til kunstneriske innlegg fra en rekke norske og internasjonale kunstnere.  

Dagskonferansen fredag 1. mars er åpen og gratis, men krever påmelding innen 26. february 2024. Påmeldingslenke her.


11:30 Dørene åpner
12:00 – 12:10 Kunstnerisk innlegg: Mahsa Vahdat og Marjan Vahdat
12:10 – 12:20 Velkomst
12:25 – 12:35 Åpningstale: sametingspresident Silje Karine Muotka
12:35 – 12:45 Kunstnerisk innlegg: Don Martin
12:45 – 12:55 Kunstnerisk innlegg: Varun Narain
13:00 – 13:50 Panelsamtale I: Kunstens kraft og rolle som samfunnsendrer i Norge og verden (samtalen vil foregå på norsk)
– Øystein Strand, avdelingsdirektør for Kunstnerisk produksjon og formidling, Kulturdirektoratet
– Silje Karine Muotka, president, Sámediggi / Sametinget
– Cliff Moustache, kunstnerisk leder, Nordic Black Theatre
– Moderator: Yohan Shanmugaratnam, journalist og forfatter
13:50 – 14:10 Pause
14:10 – 14:20 Kunstnerisk innlegg: Viktor Bomstad
14:20 – 15:10 Panelsamtale II: Kunstnersamtale om kunst og endringskraft (samtalen vil foregå på engelsk)
– Masha Vahdat, sanger og komponist
– Varun Narain, dukkemaker/dukkefører og Safemuse residenskunstner
– Viktor Bomstad, landsdelsjoiker for Troms og Finnmark
– Jannik Abel, fotograf og billedkunstner
– Moderator: Nosizwe Baqwa, artist, aktivist og styremedlem i Safemuse
15:15 – 15:30 Presentasjon: Safemuse Art Havens
15:30 – 15:40 Kort oppsummering
15:40 – 16:00 Pause / omrigg
16:00 – 16:30 Tverrkunstnerisk mini-forestilling: Hooman Sharifi og Arash Moradi
16:30 – 17:30 Sosialt samvær med bevertning



Artistic Freedom Week Conference, 1st of March at Riksscenen in Oslo

For the third year in a row, Safemuse organises a full-day conference at Riksscenen during Artistic Freedom Week in the beginning of March. The program includes talks that focus on art and artists’ roles and power to change society, in addition to artistic interventions from a number of Norwegian and international artists.

The conference is an open event and free of charge, but requires registration by 26 February 2024. Registration link here.


11:30 The doors open
12:00 – 12:10 Artistic intervention: Mahsa Vahdat and Marjan Vahdat
12:10 – 12:20 Welcome
12:25 – 12:35 Opening speech: President of the Sámi Parliament Silje Karine Muotka
12:35 – 12:45 Artistic intervention: Don Martin
12:45 – 12:55 Artistic intervention: Varun Narain
13:00 – 13:50 Panel discussion I: The power of art and its capacity for change, in Norway and the world (the conversation will take place in Norwegian)
– Øystein Strand, department director for artistic production and communication
– Silje Karine Muotka, president, Sámediggi / Sámi Parliament
– Cliff Mustache, artistic director, Nordic Black Theatre
– Moderator: Yohan Shanmugaratnam, journalist and author
13:50 – 14:10 Break
14:10 – 14:20 Artistic intervention: Viktor Bomstad
14:20 – 15:10 Panel conversation II: Artist conversation about art and its power to bring about change (the conversation will take place in English)
– Masha Vahdat, singer and composer
– Varun Narain, puppeteer and Safemuse artist-in-residence
– Viktor Bomstad, regional joiker for Troms and Finnmark
– Jannik Abel, photographer and visual artist
– Moderator: Nosizwe Baqwa, artist, activist and board member of Safemuse
15:15 – 15:30 Presentation: Safemuse Art Havens
15:30 – 15:40 Closing remarks
15:40 – 16:00 Break / rearrangement
16:00 – 16:30  Mini-performance: Hooman Sharifi and Arash Moradi
16:30 – 17:30 Social gathering with refreshments


OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Concert Conference/Meeting Fri Kunst Music Freedom Day News Project

More important than ever: Artistic freedom and mobility

More important than ever: Artistic freedom and mobility

March 31, 2022
The Norwegian Minister of Culture, Anette Trettebergstuen, opened the conference. Photo: Jon Lundell / Safemuse

As March comes to a close, Safemuse looks back at a month where artistic freedom has been celebrated and promoted. A mere week after the violent conflict in Ukraine was evoked, Safemuse organised the Artistic Freedom-week 2022 in order to raise the theme of artistic freedom of expression and free mobility of artists onto the public agenda.

Free Art – Free Movement

On the 4th of March, dozens of Norwegian organisations, institutions, cultural initiatives and artists gathered for the one-day conference “Free Art – Free Movement” (Fri Kunst – Fri Bevegelse) at Riksscenen in Oslo. In their welcoming speech, Riksscenen’s CEO / Artistic Director, Ane Carmen Roggen,  and Safemuse’s General Manager, Jan Lothe Eriksen, underscored how deeply and disturbingly relevant the discussion of artistic freedom and mobility have become in light of the meaningless atrocities unfolding before the world’s eyes and the all too evident risks and barriers that confront many artists in Eastern Europe and beyond. 

A committed Minister of Culture

In the opening speech, the Norwegian Minister of Culture, Anette Trettebergstuen, spoke of the necessity for artistic freedom of expression in democratic societies today and shared her unwavering support for Safemuse’s efforts:

“I cannot think of anything more important than to promote the importance of artistic freedom and to defend artists’ right to move and express themselves. It is simply a matter of democracy, the most fundamental thing we have to fight for.”


The minister also expressed her ambitions for Norway to take the lead. 

– We must look at how we can make the conditions for development and cooperation across national borders in the world of art and culture even better. Norway to the world and the world to Norway. The world community is fragile [and] this makes it even more important to stand up and work for increased cooperation and contact. 

Norway, Trettebergstuen pointed out, is one of the world’s best countries to live in, also for artists. 

– We have good frameworks, good support schemes and we value artistic freedom. And so, allowing international artists to come here to exchange knowledge and experience security, is perhaps more important than ever, she said. 

In her closing statement, Trettebergstuen reaffirmed the Norwegian government’s continued commitment to promote artistic freedom and mobility:

– While it is easy to experience discouragement when the world is fragile, this is an effort we must never give up. There is no alternative. Thank you so much for the work you do, it is more important than ever, and I promise on behalf of the government we will support you and work together with you.

The impossible task

The South African-Norwegian artist Nosizwe Baqwa moved the entire audience at the conference. In a powerful spoken-word performance that sent shivers down the audiences’ spines, she underlined the indispensable societal contribution of artists, and delivered an emotional appeal for the pressing need to protect and enhance artists’ freedoms: 

“…What I know for sure is that artists are best at impossible tasks. 
Artists continue to create because they have to, because they exist in a belief and truth that what they deliver to the world is more important and greater than themselves, that one must not be stopped, one must not be silenced, that which has accompanied humanity since the beginnings, are the rhythms, are the heartbeat, our pulsating inner percussion, it is the tones that hold us together, that created a we, a us, an idea, a thought, a dream, you can not be part of the system who refuse the dreamers to come together, especially not those who are already suffering from the violence of those who want to silence them, silence them to death, you must keep the dreams and dreams alive, because it is we who keep you alive.”

– Excerpt from Nosizwe Baqwas piece. (Translated from Norwegian. Read the entire, original text here).

The artist Nosizwe Baqwa moved the audience with her powerful performative text and song. Photo: Akari Izumi Kvamme / Safemuse.
From the left: Celina Bright Jerman-Taylor, Ole Reitov and Ingeborg Moa discussed inconsistent visa practice and ways to overcome the current challenges. Photo: Jon Lundell / Safemuse.

Inconsistent visa practice

The conference included two panel discussions moderated by Ingeborg Moa (Norwegian Human Rights Fund). The first conversation was with Alexandra Archetti Stølen (Oslo World) and Per-Idar Almås (The Førde Traditional and World Music Festival) who shared their reflections and experiences as festival organisers. Thereafter Moa spoke with Ole Reitov (Unesco adviser and founder of Freemuse) and Celina Bright Jerman-Taylor (Safemuse) about the challenges and opportunities with regards to the 2005 Unesco convention on artistic diversity, which Norway has ratified together with 150 other countries as well as the EU. 

The discussions were followed by a performance by an anonymous Afghan singer and a mini-concert by the Malmø-based ICORN guest artist, Egyptian oud player and sound-artist Yasmine El Baramawy together with Danish tuba player Rasmus Svale Kjærgård Lund. The conference closed off with an artist talk, organised in collaboration with Riksscenen, Ballade and SalsaNor’s initiative Ella, whereby Guro Kleveland, editor of the web-magazine Ballade, interviewed Ayhvin Bruno from Venezuela, Dayami Ross from Cuba and Yasmine El Baramawy.

Thank you to our supporters

Artistic Freedom Week 2022 and conference was organised with support from the Fritt Ord Foundation (Stiftelsen Fritt Ord) and the Norwegian Culture Council (Kulturrådet).

We extend a special thanks to all the participants, the engaged audience – both physical and digital -, and our partners Riksscenen, Ballade and SalsaNor. 

Yasmine El Baramawy and Rasmus Svale Kjærgård Lund. Photo: Jon Lundell / Safemuse.
Guro Kleveland led the artist talk with Ayhvin Bruno, Dayami Ross and Yasmine El Baramawy. Photo: Jon Lundell / Safemuse.
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Concert Conference/Meeting Music Freedom Day News Project

Safemuse inviterer til Fri Kunst 2022


February 15, 2022
Foto: Cronje Strøm

Følg live-stream fra konferansen via denne lenken. Start: 13:00.

Watch the live-stream from the conference via this link. Start: 13:00.


Safemuse arrangerer Fri Kunst-uken den 1. – 7. mars 2022 for å sette temaet kunstnerisk ytringsfrihet og fri bevegelse av kunstnere på dagsorden. Vi inviterer til dagkonferanse, løfter saken i norske medier og sprer budskapet via nettbaserte kanaler. Bli med å markere uken!


Bli med på dagkonferansen “Fri Kunst – Fri Bevegelse” på Riksscenen den 4. mars 2022. Her samles relevante aktører fra organisasjoner, festivaler og andre arrangører, samt institusjoner som arbeider med kunst og kultur.

Dagkonferansen er åpen og gratis, men krever påmelding. 

Meld deg på arrangementet via lenken: 


Årets tema er fri bevegelse av kunst og kunstnere, og hvordan vi kan bidra til at Norge oppfyller UNESCO-konvensjonen om kulturelt mangfold (2005) art.16, Preferansebehandling (eller fordelsbehandling) av utviklingsland: Industriland skal legge til rette for kulturutveksling med utviklingsland ved å tilstå, gjennom hensiktsmessige institusjonelle og juridiske rammeverk, fortrinnsbehandling av kunstnere, andre kulturarbeidere og utøvere, så vel som av kulturvarer og -tjenester fra utviklingsland.

Vi ønsker å sikre at kunstnere og kulturarbeidere internasjonalt har mulighet til å forflytte seg fritt og mulighet til å samarbeide på tvers av grenser. En rekke aktører i kunst og kulturverdenen opplever store utfordringer med visum når artister og kulturarbeidere skal inviteres både ved kortere og lengre opphold. Det at kunstnere og andre kulturarbeidere ikke får visum hindrer den kunstneriske friheten, utveksling av ideer og hindrer kunsten i å utvikle seg og bli sett, hørt og opplevd også utenfor sin egen kulturelle kontekst. Spesielt er det viktig at kunstnere fra land i sør i økt grad får delta i utveksling, utviklet sitt arbeidsmarked og vist sin kunst i Norge, i Europa og resten av den vestlige verden.


12:45 Dørene åpner

13:00 – 13:10 Velkomst og kort introduksjon om Fri Kunst v/ Ane Carmen Roggen, Riksscenen og Jan Lothe Eriksen, Safemuse.

13:10 – 13:25 Åpningstale v/ Kulturminister Anette Trettebergstuen.

13:30 – 14:30 Panelsamtale: “Samarbeid på tvers”. Deltakere: Per Idar Almås, Førdefestivalen, Alexandra Archetti Stølen, Oslo World, Marthe Valle, artist. Moderator: Ingeborg Moa, direktør i Menneskerettighetsfondet.

14:30 – 14:45 Pause

14:45 – 14:55 “Fri kunst – fri bevegelse – fri utveksling”, innlegg v/ Nosizwe Lise Baqwa, artist.

15:00 – 16:00 Panelsamtale: “Inkonsekvent visumpraksis”. Deltakere: Ole Reitov, grunnlegger/ tidligere direktør i Freemuse og UNESCO rådgiver og Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor, rådgiver, Safemuse. Politisk ledelse fra Justisdepartementet er invitert. Moderator: Ingeborg Moa, direktør i Menneskerettighetsfondet.

16:00 – 16:30 Pause

16:00 Dørene åpner til konsert / kunstnersamtale

16:30 – 17:30

DEL I: Konsert med Yasmine El Baramawy, egyptisk oudspiller, lydkunstner og fribymusiker i Malmö & Rasmus Svale Kjærgård Lund, tuba, og Inkognito, Afghansk sanger.

DEL II: Kunstnersamtale i samarbeid med Riksscenen, Ballade og SalsaNor med initiativet Ella. Deltakere: Ahyvin Bruno, venezuelansk vokalist, Las Karamba; Yasmine El Baramawy og Daiami Ross, leder, Cuba Cambia. Moderator: Guro Klevland, redaktør, Ballade.

Fri Kunst-konferansen arrangeres med støtte fra Stiftelsen Fritt Ord og Norsk Kulturråd. 

English summary:

In connection with the annual celebration of Music Freedom Day, Safemuse is organising Artistic Freedom-week 2022 on the 1st – 7th of March to place the theme of artistic freedom of expression and free movement of artists on the agenda.

The week will include a one-day-conference on Friday the 4th of March at Riksscenen, as well as a campaign to raise the issue in the Norwegian media and spread the message via online channels.

The panel discussions will take place in Norwegian, but English-speakers are welcome to join us at 16:30 for the concert and artist talk. Seating is limited and all participants are asked to register their attendance:

16:00 The doors open for a concert / artist talk

16:30 – 17:30

PART I: Concert with Yasmine El Baramawy, Egyptian oud player and sound artist based in Malmö & Rasmus Svale Kjærgård Lund, tuba, and Inkognito, Afghan singer.

PART II: Artist talk in collaboration with Riksscenen, Ballade and SalsaNor with the initiative Ella. Participants: Ahyvin Bruno, Venezuelan singer in Las Karamba; Yasmine El Baramawy and Daiami Ross, leader of Cuba Cambia. Moderator: Guro Klevland, editor of Ballade.

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Concert Conference/Meeting News



February 21, 2019

SafeMUSE is joining forces with Freemuse for the Music Freedom Day event in Oslo 3 March, and together we are inviting for a full afternoon/ evening program at Kulturhuset and Rock In, Oslo, celebrating artistic freedom.

The artistic program includes the major Afghan Hazara artist Hamid Sakhizada and the Oslo based North Indian classical violinist Harpeet Bansal together on stage for the very first time; Sudanese peace singer Abazar Hamid and legendary Norwegian blues guitarist Knut Reiersrud presenting music from the LIDIO-release We Need Peace; and Libyan visual artist and curator Tewa Barnosa presenting her work live.

Seminar: In addition Srirak Plipat, Executive Director, Freemuse will present some major finds in the upcoming Freemuse report ‘The Status of Artistic Freedom 2019’ and also facts from the report published last autumn, ‘Creativety Wronged: How women’s right to artistic freedom is denied and marginalised’. This will be followed by a panel discussion on WOMAN’S RIGHTS & LGBT RIGHTS ARE JUST HUMAN RIGHTS. The panel: Dounia Benslimane, Director of Development & Partnerships, Racines (the Moroccan NGO ordered by court to dissolute); Tewa Barnosa, artist, curator and gallerist; Alexandra Archetti Stølen, Festival Director, Oslo World; and Jude Dibia, Nigerian author and former ICORN writer-in-residence in Malmö City; in addition to Freemuse’s Srirak Plipat.

.SAFE: The event concludes the SAFE video-series with the launch of SAFE video #5, and presentations of the other videos as well.

The afterparty at the club Rock In presents Iranian black metal artist and former SafeMUSE residence artist Sina and his band From the Vastland.


More information and full program at

Organized by SafeMUSE and Freemuse. Supported by Fritt Ord, Bergesenstiftelsen, CREO, NOPA and The Norwegian Society of Composers. The afterparty is organized in cooperation with Inferno Metal Festival.

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Concert News


Mai Khôi Chém Gió live in Malmö - 4 May

April 18, 2018

Mai Khoi will be back in Malmö, Sweden after her special guest appearance at the Save Havens Malmö conference last December. May 4th she will be playing with her band Mai Khôi Chém Gió at Kuben, Malmö Live – the only concert so fare planned in Europe with the group this year. 

“If music alone could break chains, this would be the music to do it.”
(The Economist)

“The fury behind the album is real…”
(The Sydney Morning Herald)

The Vietnamese pop star, singer musician and human rights activist May Khoi plays a wide variety of traditional Vietnamese folk to blues, soul and rock, and blends disparate styles and rhythms. She was newly declared one of 12 inspiring human rights activists to follow in 2018 by Amnesty International. Mai Khoi broke international headlines in 2016 after she became the first Vietnamese celebrity in history to nominate herself for the National Assembly (equivalent to parliament) on a pro-democracy platform.

Mai Khoi’s trio, Mai Khôi Chém Gió, released their first album “Dissent” outside Vietnam 3 March this year with LIDIO.

The concert i organized by The City of Malmö and ICORN in cooperation with SafeMUSE, and is organized in connection with the The ICORN General Assembly 2-4 May held in Malmö. The concert is open for the general public, and tickets – free of charge, can be obtained on the link below. 

Mai Khoi: singer, guitar, goong
Quyen Thien Dac: saxophones 
Nguyen Duc Minh: traditonal flute, percussion
TIME: Friday 4 May 2018, 20:00 CET
VENUE: KUBEN, Malmö Live, Malmö/ Sweden
TICKETS (free) under “KJÖP BILLETT” at

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...