Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project
May 31, 2023
Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong)
We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the EEA/EU to participate in the residency exchange “Whose voices are heard?”. This by the decision of our selection committee consisting of representatives of our partners Wrocław Institute of Culture and Hvitsten Salong, plus from Safemuse,.
In 2023 we will organize 13 artistic residencies: six artists going to Wroclaw from Norway, and seven coming to Hvitsten, thanks to the support of EEA funds under the Culture Program. The main goal of the project is to contribute to equalize the chances and visibility for minority artists. A safe and comfortable place to work, where there will be room for providing questions, exchanging thoughts , cooperate, develop network and get inspired.
The design of the residency program focuses on support functions, and thus on building the value of artistic action and collaboration. In this process, the artists coming to Hvitsten will be accompanied by the curator and Safemuse residency coordinator Jon Lundell and coordinator Maria Waagbø, and in Wrocław by the curator Agata Ciastoń. The purpose of the curators and coordinator is to strengthen the residence artists in their new environment, to suggest ideas and solutions and, together with the artists, develop and implement new artistic work.
An important element of the program will be the presentation of works in Norway during the art festival Hvitsten Salong 2023 and the exhibition planned for the autumn in Wrocław.
Who was interested in participating in the program in Hvitsten?
During the month-long open call, applications came from large urban centers such as Wrocław, Warsaw, Poznań and Katowice. There were also applications from the area of Lower Silesia (outside Wrocław). Artists represented various fields of art, primarily visual arts (sculpture, painting, ceramics, glass, socially engaged art, eco-art), performative arts and photography. There were also portfolios of people looking for their creative path or adapting them to a more site-specific context. The applications represented great openness to experiment, flexibility in action to co-create a safe space for art.
Who will go to Hvitsten?
Out of over 140 applications from artists living in Poland, we selected six artist representing various visual arts, such as photography, sculpture, textiles, illustration and new media, and one artist from the open call fort a residency placement organized by Safemuse. Chosen artists have repeatedly emphasized their desire to create projects in harmony with nature, referring to the relationship between man and the natural environment.
Here are the participants of the residency in Hvitsten, Norway:
Anastasia Jechorek / Taso Pataridze (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Georgian intermedia artist active in Poznań and Leipzig. She draws inspiration from the weaknesses of man in the modern world suffering from information overload and rapid development of technology. Anastasia’s works deal mainly with the gloomy aspects of the new reality. Presenting a vision of the future, she often uses photography, changing its traditional forms and other media.
Dawid Puszyński (Poznań, Poland)
Graphic artist, sculptor and educator. The portfolio of the artist based in Poznań includes projects of spatial activities and traditional media. His works often touches on the sphere of the human figure, its transformations and adaptations to existing situations, analyzing the chaos of modernity and pop culture transformations. During the residency, he wants to create a sculpture/installation, directing the audience to reflect on the exclusion and isolation of LGBTQ+ people.
Kate Ngan Wa Ao (Macau)
Kate comes from Macau and has been living in Poland, in Wrocław, for eight years. Her work is inspired by different visual cultures, childhood memories, issues of racial identity, and the complex issues of post-colonialism and irredentism in Macau. She often transforms and remakes archives, photographs and everyday objects, combining different materials and cultural symbols to discover intricate meanings in the process. During her Norwegian residency, she wants to deconstruct the question “where do I come from?”; is it a national concept or an individual experience? The artistic process will be connected with dialogues, locally written answers, as well as stories of collections of locally found objects that carry the idea of identity. As a result, we can expect an installation in an engaged art form.
Saitip Majewska (Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand)
Saitip is a PhD student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. She uses her work for art therapy, focusing on the interactivity of art and connecting people. Her activities on the borderline of ceramics, drawing, graphics, sculpture and artistic installations, focus on experiencing through the sense of touch. She often works with textiles. They are flexible, susceptible to changes, deformations, have shape memory, and their materialism gives many messages. Giving fabrics new forms, it lures recipients with softness, color, and ideas. In this way, she offers new experiences to those interacting with her art.
Oleksandra Balytska (Kiev, Ukraine)
Ukrainian graphic designer and illustrator. She has been passionate about drawing since she was a child, although at the time she thought it was just a hobby, an extra job. After obtaining her master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, she began illustrating books and magazines. Her visual world is characterized by surreal figures, distorted human silhouettes and pastel colors. She experiments with proportions without breaking the rules of composition and color theory. Oleksandra’s drawings resemble movie scenes.
Viktoriia Toofan (Dnipro, Ukraine)
Viktoriia is a Visual artist, who lives and work in Wroclaw. Graduated with a master’s degree in painting in 2019 at Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. She explores the possibilities offered by language as a response to a profound sense of alienation, which she shares with deaf persons. Tofan uses embroidery as well as a wide variety of materials and techniques in her work.
One additional from the open-call by Safemuse.
Due to the security of the artist, the artist’s identity cannot be revealed before the artist is safely arrived in Norway.
Who will go to Wroclaw from Norway
The following artists have been chosen for the exchange residency stay with Wrocław Institute of Culture in Poland from Norway: Kine Michelle Bruniera, Lill Yildiz Yalcin, Aliona Pazdniakova, Yachi Shian-Yuan Yang, Ghawga Taban and Ingrid Frivold Storli.
The residency program has already started in Poland for some of the artists, and will continue throughout the summer – early autumn this year.
About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...
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Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...
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Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as
Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...
About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...
About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the
Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the
Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...