Fri Kunst News

FRI KUNST 2023 – under autoritære regimer

FRI KUNST - under autoritære regimer: 3. mars

February 8, 2023

FRI KUNST – under autoritære regimer, fredag 3. mars 2023.

Safemuse inviterer til den årlige markeringen av Fri Kunst på Riksscenen – en feiring av kunstnernes unike posisjon til å beskrive, utforske og utfordre vår tidsånd, og til å belyse og avkle maktutøvelse som på ulike måter forhindrer eller nekter kunstnerne friheten til å skape og fremføre.

Vi markerer med en dagskonferanse som inkluderer sterke kunstneriske innlegg og bidrag, og der vi også slipper tre nye SAFE-kortfilmer med møter mellom ulike kunstnere med svært ulike forutsetninger til å kunne være kunstnere.

Tema er Fri kunst under autoritære regimer. På Riksscenen løfter vi frem historier og erfaringer fra sensurerte, forfulgte og truede kunstneres liv, for så å spørre:
– Hva kan vi gjøre?
– Hvilke strategier kan vi finne for internasjonal solidaritet og konkret handling?

Årets program vil veksle mellom ulike kunstneriske bidrag fra Safemuse’ residenskunstnere og faglige samtaler for så å avsluttes med en plateslipp-konsert med den afghanske hazara-sangeren Ghawgha Taban, fribymusiker i Harstad, i samspill med Anja Lauvdal og Marianna Sangita A Røe.


12:00 – Velkomst: Ane Carmen Roggen, Riksscenen og Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor, Safemuse

12:05 – Åpningstale: Marianne Borgen, ordfører i Oslo

12:15 – Kunstnerisk appell: Jae Nyamburah, artist

12:25 – Dans: Carlos Catun/ «Gato» (Guatemala), tidligere residenskunstner hos Safemuse

12:30 – The State of Artistic Freedom: Sverre Pedersen, styreleder i Freemuse,

12:45 – Visning av .SAFE-kortfilm #2.2: Nikan Koshravi & Arash Ilkhani (Iran), Confess/ tidligere fribymusikere i Harstad i samtale med Anders Odden, artist

12:50 – Panelsamtale om levde erfaringer: Kunstnere deler fortellinger om livet under autoritære regimer, diskuterer verdien fri kunst og kunstneres rolle i samfunnet. Ghawgha Taban (Afghanistan), fribymusiker i Harstad, Sina Winter (Iran), tidligere residensmusiker hos Safemuse. Moderator er Sara Christophersen, PRIO. (Denne panelsamtalen foregår på engelsk)

13:45 – Pause

14:10 – Waves of Future: Presentasjon av Safemuse sine residensprogram.

14:20 – Visning av .SAFE-kortfilm #2.1 av Chong Wang (Kina), residenskunstner hos Safemuse i samtale med Ellen Horn, skuespiller, tidligere teatersjef og kulturminister

14:30 – Panelsamtale om kunstnerisk ytringsfrihet i autoritære regimer: Utfordringer og tiltak som kreves for å støtte kunstnere. Hvilke muligheter finnes det lokalt, nasjonal og globalt?

Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor, daglig leder, Safemuse, Eivor Evenrud, Leder for kultur- og utdanningsutvalget (Ap), Oslo kommune, Astrid Kvalbein, rektor ved Norges Musikkhøgskole, Sofie Marhaug, Rødts stortingsgruppe. Moderator: Laila Bokhari, statsviter og tidligere statssekretær.

15:20 – Kort oppsummering: Jan Lothe Eriksen, Safemuse. Visning av .SAFE-kortfilm #2.3: Ghawgha Taban i samtale med Oddrun Lilja Jonsdottir, artist

15:30 – Pause

15:50 – Konsert: Ghawgha Taban – vokal (fribymusiker i Harstad), Anja Lauvdal – tangenter og Marianna Sangita A. Røe – perkusjon

16:30 – 17:30 – Vi samles med litt mat og drikke

Fri Kunst faller sammen med den internasjonale Music Freedom Day, som er en global markering og feiring av kunstnerisk frihet for musikere 3. mars hvert år, initiert av Freemuse i 2007 og med lokale feiringer av kunstnerisk frihet over hele verden.
Safemuse har markert Music Freedom Day årlig siden 2015 med konferanser og konserter – først i Harstad og i Oslo fra 2017. I 2023 markerer vi, i tillegg til 3. mars på Riksscenen, med nettbasert aksjon på sosiale medier.

Vi serverer lett mat og drikke, og det vil være sosial samling etter programmet er ferdig. Velkommen!

Tid: 3. mars kl. 11:30 – 17:30
Sted: Riksscenen, Oslo
Fri entre/påmelding: Påmelding Fri kunst

En del av den internasjonale markeringen av Music Freedom Day

Med støtte fra Fritt Ord, Norsk kulturråd og Harstad kommune

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

News Project Safe Residencies

Whose voices are being heard? Exchange program for foreign artists from Poland and Norway.

OPEN CALL: Whose voices are being heard? - Exchange program for artists from Poland and Norway 2023

January 6, 2023


We invite artists to apply for the residency exchange “Whose voices are being heard?” organised by the Wrocław Institute of Culture (Wrocław/PL), Hvitsten Salong (Hvitsten/NO) and Safemuse (Oslo/NO). The project benefits from funding received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA funds. The artistic residency exchange between Poland and Norway aims to equalise opportunities and visibility for artists belonging to minorities, creating safe and inclusive spaces for artistic work. It focuses on integrating foreign and minority artists living in Poland and Norway into the mainstream of cultural and artistic life in these countries.

In 2023, six artists from Poland will have the opportunity to go on a month-long residency in Hvitsten and take part in the local art and music festival Hvitsten Salong 2023, and six artists from Norway will be invited to the Wrocław Institute of Culture (WIK) and participate in a closing exhibition in autumn 2023. In Hvitsten, Norway, there will also be one artist at risk chosen from outside the Schengen area who will stay for a longer period. All artists will be supported by curators, in the adaptation, research and creative process. The application deadline is February 6th, 2023.

When will the residencies take place?   

The residencies will take place from spring to autumn 2023, on dates agreed upon between the selected artists and the hosting organisations. 

Who can apply?

The call is aimed at artists, focusing especially (but not exclusively) on female artists that are migrants or belong to minority groups, at different stages of their career:

→ representing various fields of contemporary art (mainly visual arts, but also performing arts and others)

→ living or residing in Norway, including foreign artists living in Norway 

→ who are interested in themes related to migration, inclusion, majority-minority relations, engaged art, art made in public space, the role of the artist and art in society and social change.

→ who wants to go for a month-long residency in Wrocław, in 2023 and show their work at the residency closing exhibition in autumn 2023 in Wrocław. Detailed dates of the residency are agreed upon together with WIK.

How to submit the application?

To apply for the residency, please send by e-mail, in English; 

→ a portfolio in .pdf format and a CV (max. 10 MB) in English;  

→ answers to the questions (1,500-2,000 characters with spaces):

  • Why would you like to participate in the project?
  • What would you like to work on during your residency?
  • What topics move you most in your artistic work?

The application deadline is 6th of February, 2023.

Please send your application by email to: and with the following title: [YOUR NAME] – Whose voices are being heard?


About the residency program

Selected artists will receive an artistic fee and accommodation. They will work with a local curator and have the opportunity to create art in a safe environment and to learn about the cultural life in Poland and Wroclaw. In addition, the project “Whose voices are being heard?” offers an educational component for artists with the aim of professionalising their work. The selected artists will work in an international environment and have the chance to learn about the work of the host institution and the local community. The project is carried out in collaboration with the NGO Safemuse, which supports artists at risk. 


The Wroclaw Institute of Culture (WIK) is a legacy organisation preparing and implementing for the Wrocław European Capital of Culture 2016. Today it continues to run activities focusing on creating and co-creating artistic, cultural and educational programs for different communities situated between the artistic-, cultural- and educational, focusing on co-creating and art animation for different communities. The AiR program supports mobility of artists from different fields to further develop their artistic praxis.

WIK wants to be a bridge between the institutional field of culture and active citizens, creators, artists and the non-governmental sector. We create opportunities for cooperation, test new formats of activities, identify and research trends and support innovative, non-commercial artistic and cultural initiatives.

We are an institution with a flexible and agile programming structure which can be easily adapted to the challenges posed by a dynamically changing world. In our program we focus on such areas as: competences, support and networking.

Hvitsten Salong is an art institution run by artists and professionals from the world of art and culture. With its experience in organising artistic events, including the annual Hvitsten Salong art and music festival, and its cross-sectoral approach, the institution contributes to the development and creation of innovative solutions for culture. It reaches a wide and diverse audience by exhibiting art in Hvitsten’s public spaces. The initiative also includes an educational program for children and youth.

Safemuse was founded on the initiative of several art organisations in Norway with the purpose of protecting artistic freedom, promote the role of the artist in society and creating an international solidarity initiative. Safemuse has been organising safe residencies for artists at risk from different countries since 2014. Safemuse is part of a network of Norwegian cultural institutions and organisations, as well as an international network working with artistic freedom of expression. Safemuse has so far organised a series of events on the freedom of artistic expression; Artistic Freedom Week / Music Freedom Day;  and .SAFE – a film series portraying artist encounters and conversations about artistic freedoms. Safemuse is also the co-founder and fiscal sponsor of SH|FT – Safe Havens Freedom Talks who organise the Safe Havens Conference – a global networking conference on art, culture, human rights and artistic freedom, as well as a Freedom Talks series. Safemuse will coordinate the participation of the artist at risk staying for the six month-residency in Hvitsten.

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...


Freemuse and Safemuse with a joint plea to Norwegian authorities


December 14, 2022
Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi

Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi: “Don’t cry if I die tomorrow”

The following statement was sent by Freemuse and Safemuse to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister for Culture, the Mayor of Oslo, the head of the Oslo City Council and the head of Oslo’s Cultural Council today:

On the 30th of October, the rapper Toomaj Salehi was arrested in Iran because of his regime-critical lyrics. His Kurdish colleague Saman Yasin has been in prison since the 2nd of and was sentenced to death in a bogus trial. Both artists are subjected to severe torture and maltreatment. We call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to withdraw the death penalty in the case against Yasin and to drop the charges against him and to drop the charges against Toomaj Salehi, who is also at the risk of facing the death penalty.

We call on the Norwegian government to do everything necessary to save the lives of Toomaj Salehi and Saman Yasin. They are accused of “enmity against God” (moharebeh) and “gross corruption” (ifsad fil-arz). These are charges that in the 21st century carry the death penalty in Iran.

As rappers, these artists work with words. Their lives are threatened because of their use of free speech. They are our colleagues. We encourage the Municipality of Oslo to make them honorary citizens of Oslo. Anyone who harms Toomaj Salehi and Saman Yasin is committing an unpardonable crime.

We want to do everything we can to prevent this. “Don’t cry if I die tomorrow because you were not by my side today,” Toomaj Salehi said shortly before his arrest. Toomaj and Saman: We are by your side!

Sverre Pedersen                                       Hans Ole Rian
Chair of Freemuse                                   Chair of Safemuse

Følgende henvendelse gikk fra Freemuse og Safemuse til utenriksministeren, kulturministeren, ordføreren, byrådslederen og kulturbyråden tidligere i dag:

30. oktober ble rapperenToomaj Salehi arrestert i Iran på grunn av hans regimekritiske tekster. Hans kurdiske kollega Saman Yasin har sittet i fengsel siden 2. oktober og ble dømt til døden i en farserettssak med falske anklager. Begge blir utsatt for alvorlig tortur og mishandling. Vi oppfordrer den islamske republikken Iran til å trekke tilbake dødsstraffen i saken mot Yasin og frafalle anklagene mot ham og til å frafalle anklagene mot Toomaj Salehi – også han risikerer dødsstraff.

Vi oppfordrer den norske regjeringen til å gjøre alt som trengs for å redde livene til Toomaj Salehi og Saman Yasin. De er anklaget for “fiendskap mot Gud” (moharebeh) og “grov korrupsjon” (ifsad fil-arz). Dette er anklager som i det 21. århundre århundre medfører dødsstraff i Iran.

Som rappere jobber de to med ord. Deres liv er truet på grunn av deres bruk av frie ord. De er våre kolleger. Vi oppfordrer Oslo kommune til å gjøre dem til æresborgere av Oslo. Alle som skader Toomaj Salehi og Saman Yasin begår en utilgivelig forbrytelse.

Vi ønsker å gjøre alt vi kan for å forhindre det. “Ikke gråt hvis jeg dør i morgen fordi du ikke var ved min side i dag,” sa Toomaj Salehi kort før arrestasjonen. Toomaj og Saman: Vi er ved din side

Sverre Pedersen                                           Hans Ole Rian
Styreleder Freemuse                                   Styreleder Safemuse

Kurdish artist Saman Yasin
Saman Yasin was arrested in Iran and has been sentenced to death.
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

News Safe Residencies

Meet Safemuse’s newest artist in residence: Wang Chong – Ibsen, face masks and freedom to surf the Internet

MEET SAFEMUSE'S NEWEST ARTIST IN RESIDENCE: WANG CHONG -- Ibsen, face masks and freedom to surf the Internet

November 10, 2022
A man of many talents: Wang Chong is Safemuse's newest artist in reidence. Photo: Zhou Jing / Courtesy of the artist.

A long-awaited arrival

Wang Chong is Safemuse’s newest and long-awaited second artist in residence of 2022. Wang was initially supposed to arrive in May around the same time as the first resident, Belarusian artist Zhanna Gladko, however obtaining a visa turned out to be a lengthy and unpredictable process. Safemuse was therefore very pleased to finally welcome Wang to our Oslo residence program in September.

— Working at Safemuse involves a lot of frustration; frustration over visa difficulties; over not having the opportunity to welcome more artists who need the kind of respite Safemuse can offer; and thereby the frustration of having to choose between a large number of highly qualified artists who really need to get away from situations that are difficult for us to imagine.

But it is also rewarding. Very rewarding and inspiring. When the artists arrive, watch them unfold and get the opportunity to work. Opportunities they don’t have at all where they come from, says Safemuse’s former general manager (now senior adviser), Jan Lothe Eriksen.


China’s most internationally-commissioned theater director

Wang Chong was born in Beijing in 1982. He received his bachelor’s degree in law from Peking University before he decided to pursue a master’s degree in theater from University of Hawaii. In 2008, Wang founded the Beijing-based performance group Théâtre du Rêve Expérimental (

Wang has translated and directed Chinese premieres of internationally-acclaimed texts, such as Heiner Müller’s Hamletmachine, Peter Handke’s Self-accusation, Sarah Kane’s Crave, Nick Payne’s Constellations, Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, and Woody Allen’s Central Park West.

Scenes from Wang Chong’s Made in China 2.0, the solo performance he might bring to Oslo in 2023. Photo: courtesy of the artist.
Scenes from Wang Chong’s Made in China 2.0. Photo: courtesy of the artist.

Today Wang Chong is China’s most internationally-commissioned theater director and, so far, his works have been performed in 20 countries, including Norway at the Oslo International Ibsen Festival. Wang is happy to be in back in Ibsen’s homeland.

— Ibsen was part of our high school literature curriculum, and certainly essential to my theater education in the U.S. I started to work with the Oslo-based organization, Ibsen International, in 2012. Together with playwright Oda Fiskum, producer Inger Buresund, and dramaturg Hege Tørressen, we tried to bring most of Ibsen’s essence into one work, Ibsen in One Take, which was brought here in 2014 as part of the Ibsen Festival. I was commissioned by Ibsen International in the same year to direct Ghosts 2.0, an adaptation set in contemporary China. I hope that I can bring it too to Norway one day.

Wang Chong has an extensive and impressive artistic portfolio, and he is the recipient of numerous awards. Among his many productions, we find The Warfare of Landmine 2.0, which won the Festival/Tokyo Award; Lu Xun, which was noted as The Best Chinese Performance of the Year by The Beijing News; Teahouse 2.0, which won the One Drama Award; Waiting for Godot, a live online performance which has an audience of 290,000; and The Plague, a live online performance with artists working from six continents.

“Without the basic freedoms, I would not be able to learn, research, and experiment enough to come up with artistic concepts.”

Wang Chong

In 2014, Wang Chong presented Ibsen in One Take at the Ibsen Festival in Oslo. Photo: Lui Chen / Courtesy of the artist.
Scenes from Wang Chong's production Ghosts 2.0. Photo: Zhu Lei / Courtesy of the artist.

Face masks, firewalls and basic freedoms

After two years of Covid restrictions and a lengthy six months of awaiting his temporary visa for Norway, Wang finally arrived in Oslo on the 17th of September.

— Being stuck in one country for two and a half years, as an international artist, it was stifling. I was hoping to once again dive into the world and see how people and artists in Norway and other countries are coping with life and arts. The most important thing, he notes, is that I got out of the zero-Covid zone, expecting to re-experience what life can be.

— Although I was here in 2014, it was more of a cultural shock moment this time around. On day one, when I stepped into the Central Station, I saw hundreds of men and women from all walks of life. They were standing, running, talking, laughing, and eating, all maskless and fearless. I stood there, speechless, trying to make sense. When I started to understand the situation, I couldn’t stop laughing. I took off my mask. I became a new being on my arrival.

Looking back at his first few weeks in Oslo, Wang says:

— I have regained Google freedom, YouTube freedom, Wikipedia freedom, and Netflix freedom. These things are not something to talk about or worry about in the Norwegian context, but I have to say these freedoms are forming a new foundation to my creativity. Right away I started to learn and create with artificial intelligence. The booming field looks so exciting, when there is no firewall blocking your vision. So many apps, websites, and open-source platforms are out there. Without the basic freedoms, I would not be able to learn, research, and experiment enough to come up with artistic concepts.

— The residency has been great so far. I have been focusing on an artificial intelligence (AI) generated short film and checked out performances, museums, and hiking trails of Oslo.

“I have regained Google freedom, YouTube freedom, Wikipedia freedom, and Netflix freedom. These things are not something to talk about or worry about in the Norwegian context, but I have to say these freedoms are forming a new foundation to my creativity.”

Wang Chong”

Wang Chong’s artistic ambitions

Wang has large ambitions for the residency and his artistic plans include an AI-generated short film, a documentary film, and a new text for theater.

— I don’t want to spoil it by telling you how exactly the AI-generated short film would look like. What I can say is that I want to create an intriguing story about the future of humanity.

Wang’s ongoing documentary film project is titled A Director Sitting Still. It is about the life and death of Hu Bo, the young director of award-winning film An Elephant Sitting Still.

— In 2019 I started to ask, why did such a talented artist commit suicide at the age of 29? During the residency, I will focus on editing and post-production of the film. If you have not seen Hu Bo’s movie, I highly recommend it!

After arriving in Oslo, the city’s mayor Marianne Borgen invited Wang Chong to a meeting at the City Hall. Photo: Akari Izumi Kvamme / Safemuse

Wang is also working on his solo performance, Made in China 2.0. It will premiere in Boston before a world-tour. There is a possibility the piece will be shown in Oslo in 2023.

— Wang Chong is an artist who uses the newly acquired opportunities with great enthusiasm. And for us at Safemuse, the Norwegian art community and for the Norwegian public, it is a fantastic resource to have artists like this visit. We are very much looking forward to being able to present Wang on stage, and to get his look and his artistic approach to the themes he will present, says Jan Lothe Eriksen, before he continues: — At the same time, our guest artists are a reminder of what an incredible reality we live in here, compared to other countries and regions. Many thanks to Oslo municipality for making this program possible.

Safemuse’s residence coordinator, Jon Lundell, is also impressed by Chong’s artistic work and ambitions:

— Artistically, Chong stuck out from the vast number of applicants for our Oslo residence. I saw that his previous work and future plans are full of life, humor, creativity, experimentation and seriousness. He intelligently confronts difficult themes with a brave and open mind. This openness and interest of learning and meeting new obstacles professionally, is both inspiring and important in present and future collaborations. His interest in other people, their struggles and character also makes him humble and just a great guy to work with.

– –

For more information and artistic works, check out online articles on Wang Chong and his Youtube channel. 

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Administration News

A new general manager in Safemuse from 1st of November


October 31, 2022

We are pleased to announce that Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor is set to become the new general manager of Safemuse – Safe Havens for Artists.

Bright-Taylor has worked as an advisor in the organisation for the past two years and will take on her new role starting on Tuesday 1 November 2022. She succeeds Jan Lothe Eriksen, who founded the organisation in 2011. Eriksen is now stepping down in his role as general manager of Safemuse, but will however continue as a senior advisor.

A planned transition

Fortunately, the Safemuse board has had plenty of time to prepare for this change of general manager. Finding a new boss who could build on the excellent work Jan Lothe Eriksen has put in has been particularly crucial. Jan was the one who established Safemuse, and has his dedication has been crucial in developing the organisation into what it is today, says the chairman of Safemuse, Hans Ole Rian.

Chairman of Safemuse, Hans Ole Rian. Photo: CREO

The board is confident that Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor is the right person for the position.

She has a very relevant education, and through her work at Safemuse has shown that she has all the qualities we are looking for in Jan’s successor.

The important thing going forward is to secure funding, establish Safemuse as an even more important and relevant organisation in the area of freedom of expression, and work for more residencies for some of the far too many persecuted artists we receive reports about. We will also ensure that the artists who come here to Norway develop their artistry – preferably in collaboration with colleagues here in the country – and also follow up the artists who have been in residence here once they return to work in their respective home countries, says Rian. 

Time to pass on the baton

It doesn’t look like Safemuse will be redundant anytime soon. On the contrary and unfortunately. Both Freemuse’s documentation of the increasing number of gross violations of artistic freedom in its annual reports, State of Artistic Freedom, and also when we see all the censored, threatened and persecuted artists from around the globe who send strong applications for residency to Safemuse, then Safemuse had far more residency places to offer, says outgoing general manager, Jan Lothe Eriksen.

Thanks to this year’s contribution from the municipality of Oslo, we have been able to establish our new residency program together with Nordic Black Theatre. Next year, we plan to expand the intiative through a new collaboration with Hvitsten Salong and partner Strefa Kultury Wrocław in Poland. This is motivating and important work, so we really hope that the Ministry of Culture and the government in this year’s budget process will contribute to the further development of our projets.

Founder and outgoing general manager of Safemuse, Jan Lothe Eriksen is optimistic about the future of the organisation. Photo: Kontekst.

After 12-13 years of building the organisation, it is now the time to pass on the baton to younger forces. I will continue to assist in a transition phase in a more withdrawn position. And with Bright-Taylor as the new general manager, together with the rest of Safemuse’s brilliant team, and with the support of motivated board members, Safemuse is in the very best of hands.

Incoming general manager in Safemuse, Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor. Photo: Safemuse.

Safemuse’s incoming general manager, Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor, is excited to embark on her new role in the organisation: 

I am grateful for the trust from my current boss and from the board. I look forward to continuing to work with them and with the artists, members and partners to strengthen artistic freedom of expression, human rights and not least contribute to the creation of art in all forms.

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...


Letter to the 65th Grammy edition: Conditions of Iranian artist Mehdi Rajabian

Letter to the 65th Grammy edition: Conditions of Iranian artist Mehdi Rajabian

October 11, 2022

This letter was sent to CEO Harvey Mason Jr. on the 10th of October 2022. 

“There will need to be a change of regime for him to get out…That he actually managed to be creative and to work with people outside of Iran through the internet and come out with an album of that kind of quality – I am totally impressed” Safemuse’s general manager, Jan Lothe Eriksen, said in an interview with Billboard.  

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Safe Residencies News Project

An artist’s reflection: Hvitsten Salong 2022

An artist´s reflection: Hvitsten Salong 2022

By belarusian artist Zhanna Gladko

October 8, 2022
Photo: Zhanna Gladko

About the artist

Zhanna Gladko (1984) is a visual artist and a graduate of the Republican College of Arts in Minsk and the Department of Easel Graphics at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. She is currently one of Safemuse’s artists in residence based in Oslo. In this article, Gladko reflects on her experience and the process of creating an outdoor art installation for the festival Hvitsten Salong in august 2022.

Belarusian artist Zhanna Gladko is one of Safemuse's artists in residence

Relentless flow of time

Working on the art installation Relentless Flow Of Time / 2022 for the art festival Hvitsten Salong has been an important and interesting experience for me. It was especially important to me because it was the first time that I exhibited my art in Norway. I was interested in the Norwegian history and local context, the topics that contemporary Norwegian artists work with and my encounters with Hvitsten Salong’s creative community and the participants with different stories and backgrounds.

This festival showed me that the art community in Norway is developing in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, welcoming people with different histories and cultural contexts. I was happy to meet many artists whose names was not already familiar with. I met those whose practice is close to me both in terms of artistic strategy and the themes that contemporary artists work with. I was pleased to get good feedback on my work from local artists and was pleasantly surprised at how hospitable they were.

Another important point for me is that this is the first work I have shown outside a gallery space. So for me this experience is still important as a step in the development of personal professional tools, which is important for an artist whose practice is mainly related to gallery and museum spaces.

I also felt comfortable working on the preparations for the festival whilst being in Hvitsten itself, with the warm and caring support of the Safemuse team. The fact that no one restricted my ideas, did not correct or censor me – neither in the process of reflection on the work, nor during the creation of the installation is of great importance to me and cannot be underestimated. For me, as a Belarusian artist, this is an important and valuable aspect, which I emphasise, because in Belarus, making such a work is simply impossible. To work in Belarus with any statement that touches on social or political issues can lead to imprisonment – it is a restrictive and limiting condition, which binds the artist’s hands and takes away his or her voice. That is why I am happy to have the chance to show my voice, to have the right to a personal manifesto, not to leave unnoticed and invisible those topics of concern in countries where crimes against humanity and crimes against artists are taking place right now.

It was important for me to show work that has a difficult conceptual side. It refers to events which are important for the current history, which on the one hand is important to fix, but on the other hand is also ephemeral and unstable – like everything that happens in the era of post-truth, digital oversaturation and devaluation of meanings. Therefore, it was conceptually important for my work in interaction with the natural environment – which always corrects and puts everything in its right place.

Photo: Zhanna Gladko
“To work in Belarus with any statement that touches on social or political issues can lead to imprisonment – it is a restrictive and limiting condition, which binds the artist’s hands and takes away his or her voice.”

– Zhanna Gladko

About my work in Hvitsten

The installation consists of a series of glass inscriptions made of ashes. The series is called Relentless Flow Of Time / 2022 and was created especially for Hvitsten Salong.

The inscriptions on the glasses are taken as fragments of expressions, headlines from the world’s press, which printed news about the war in Ukraine, about the revolutionary events in Belarus. I am interested in the phenomenon of information deformation in the post-truth era, when information flow is characterized by the layering, distortion and devaluation of meanings. My intention was that, with the passage of time and interaction with nature, the rain and humidity would partly deform, erase, disappear – everything that happens to memory and history over time in the social, political and any other context.

This series of works began with the creation of Force. Farce. False. / 2020 ( The slogan emerged during the 2020 pandemic when the President of Belarus refused to take any action to reduce the risk of coronavirus during the pandemic. Statistical figures on the sick were hidden and distorted in the media.

In 2020, I created a slogan on glass and displayed it on the balcony of my flat in Minsk, on one of the city’s main avenues. The inscription was made of a sticky transparent liquid and, over time, dust, dirt, and smog from the avenue accumulated on it. Later, during the revolutionary events in Belarus, the glass panel displayed on the balcony was passed by police cars as peaceful protests were held. Thus, the inscription was symbolically shaped by the dust, by the moods that were in the air in 2020 – hatred, fear, enthusiasm, protest.

The work in Hvitsten is the next stage in the series. And the ash material is important here as a reference to the military events in Ukraine, to recent events in Belarus – which are part of a complex history and struggle for independence.

Photo: Zhanna Gladko

A commentary by Anne Weyer Larsen:

Zhanna Gladko’s art work Relentless flow of time

Glass panels with inscriptions of ashes. The piece is based on a work she started at the onset of the pandemic – Force Farce False. It dealt with, among other things, the popular uprising against Lukaschenko in Belarus, and is now relevant in connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. A simple chain of events that unfortunately develops into a greater and deeper darkness. The work is not intended to be decorative, illustrative or complex, but seeks to reflect the pain of the present. The work is a response to contemporary events with a relevant statement. At its core – a universal code that corresponds to any historical moment. The work is not intended as a political statement, but as a reflection on the changes taking place in the social structures, the breaking of the times in which we now find ourselves.

One of the layers is dedicated to the information war that is currently taking place. The artist is interested in post-truth, the layers of meaning that disappear, memories and forgetting, the conflict zones around different meanings, different discourses. The words become like a thundercloud that thickens, darkens because of the layers of meaning, and all the words. The words are taken from world news. With rain and wind, the words will be erased over time. This is also the passage of time in a longer perspective. We do not forget and remember the horror in the same way. 

Anne Weyer Larsen. Photo by Amedeo Benestante

Anne Weyer Larsen works as an art mediator at Hvitsten Salong, Henie Onstad Art Center and has many years of experience working with a number of art institutions where she has partaken in various art projects and artist-driven events.

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

News Project Safe Residencies

“We are doing this to support independent voices”

– We are doing this to support independent voices

August 24, 2022

Artistic freedom of expression,  solidarity and collaboration

In an increasingly polarised world, with tensions between nations, cultures, political parties and cultural norms, a growing group of artists are encountering obstacles in the execution of their work. Artists are in many cases regarded as activists, even when they themselves do not identify with, or promote a political view or a political movement. This is especially true for female artists, artists that are queer, come from minority or indigenous groups or artists that work in genres not deemed acceptable by society or by their government. One of Safemuse’s most important projects is, therefore, to create safe residencies for artists and to promote artistic freedom of expression, as well as artistic solidarity and collaboration.

At the closing event of the Safe Havens Conference in Oslo in December of 2021, Vice Mayor for Culture and Sports, Omar Samy Gamal, expressed the City of Oslo’s unwavering endorsement for Safemuse’s residency program:

– We are doing this to support independent voices, and because diversity in the arts is what keeps it vibrant and alive. And we are doing it because freedom of expression is under pressure in many parts of the world.”

Vice Mayor for Culture and Sports in Oslo, Omar Samy Gamal, at the closing event at the Safe Havens Conference in 2021 (Photo: Cronje Strøm).

“We are doing this to support independent voices, and because diversity in the arts is what keeps it vibrant and alive. And we are doing it because freedom of expression is under pressure in many parts of the world.”

– Omar Samy Gamal, Vice Mayor for Culture and Sports in Oslo

At the opening of the Artistic Freedom Week in March, the Norwegian Minister of Culture, Anette Trettebergstuen followed suit and emphasised that she – cannot think of anything more important than to promote the importance of artistic freedom and to define artists’ right to move and express themselves. It is simply a matter of democracy, the most fundamental thing we have to fight for.


Safemuse Artistic Safe Haven residency program

At the beginning of the year, Safemuse established a residency program in the Norwegian capital of Oslo for artists subjected censorship, threats, persecution, or/and that for various reason cannot work freely in the place they currently reside. The program offers residencies for artists within all artistic disciplines. The residencies have a duration of up to six-month and are focused on artistic development and cooperation. The Safemuse Artistic Safe Haven residency program in Oslo is funded by the City of Oslo and carried out in collaboration with Nordic Black Theatre.

– After years of uncertain, unpredictable and scarce funding for our residency projects, Safemuse finally has the possibility, through the support of the City of Oslo’s enthusiastic political and administrative leadership,  to invite artists in need for a safe space and possibilities for artistic development. But unfortunately, we are only able to host some few artists out of the many thousands who are in danger and in serious need of safe residencies. Hence, we are looking forward to develop the program further and be able to invite more independent voices, says Jan Lothe Eriksen, general manager of Safemuse.

Safemuse is also working to expand the program in order to offer similar residency opportunities in other places in Norway.

– We have been working hard to set up a well-functioning residency program that caters to the individual needs and aspirations of the artists who are selected to partake in the program. The response from organisations, institutions and individuals has been overwhelmingly positive and many have expressed an interest to collaborate with- or contribute to the initiative in various ways, says Jon Lundell, Safemuse’s residence coordinator. He reveals that Safemuse, in collaboration with the artist-run organisation Hvitsten Salong, will start up yet another residence in the coastal town of Hvitsten in 2023.


Open call for applications

On August 1st, Safemuse published an open call for applications for its upcoming residencies in 2023. The deadline is on September 1st and Safemuse encourages its friends and supporters around the world to help spread the word about this opportunity to artists at risk and in need of a safe space to develop their art.

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...


Zhanna Gladko is Safemuse’s newest resident artist


June 29, 2022
Belarusian artist Zhanna Gladko is Safemuse’s newest resident artist.

Safemuse welcomes artist Zhanna Gladko

Safemuse welcomes its first artist in residence of 2022, Zhanna Gladko from Belarus, who arrived in Oslo in the middle of May for her six-month residence program.

– My first weeks in Oslo have been inspiring for me. It is my first time in Norway and I am interested in the cultural context and history of the country. I was struck by the contrast to the situation I experienced and observed in Minsk, where every single day is a complex psychological ‘game’. This contrasts with the atmosphere here, where the surrounding nature immerses you in a state of being “above it all”. Being away for a while from the events in Minsk and Belarus helps to restore the necessary life and professional resources, Gladko says.  

Gladko says she applied for the residency to be able to have at least a short-term time slot to have some distance from the events in Belarus, to be able to reflect and systematise the materials she has collected for several years, as well as to accumulate observations and materials as an artist-practitioner in new circumstances. Most of the projects that Gladko is involved in are thematically linked to the revolutionary events in Belarus, the protest movement and dramatic events in Ukraine. This focus, which has attracted worldwide attention to the problems of her home country, gives her an opportunity to become visible and highlight the themes and issues that Belarusian artists have raised in their works for many years already. 

– I would like to share my experience, artistic practice and knowledge of Belarusian contemporary art with the local art community in Oslo. Staying in Oslo will help me to revise my accumulated material, which I am preparing for future projects. It will make it possible to switch from being in the epicentre of events, which is now Minsk, to the necessary sober professional distance, help me plan my future activities and deepen my future artistic expression, Gladko says. 

During the residency Gladko looks forward to meeting with representatives of the professional community and to create an artistic statement as a result of her practice and work in the studio. She also plans to visit museums, galleries, and cultural centres in the city in order to learn about the specifics of culture, history, ethnography, and geography in order to interact and immerse into the local context.

– A brilliant artist

Safemuse is pleased to have its new residency program in Oslo up and running and extends its gratitude to the City of Oslo and its enthusiastic politicians backing up this idea, as well as to partner Nordic Black Theatre and others who have been involved so far and supported the initiative. Safemuse’s founder and general manager, Jan Lothe Eriksen, is very pleased to welcome Zhanna Gladko to the residence program in Oslo. 

– It is great having the brilliant visual artist from Belarus, Zhanna Gladko, as the very first guest artist in the new Oslo Safe Artistic Haven program. A real honour. She has been an active artist in her home environment, internationally recognized, and we do hope she will have a fruitful stay here, develop new contacts and also inspire us all through the programs and presentations we will organise. 

Awaiting a second artist in residence

Safemuse was supposed to have welcomed two international residence artists this spring, however Zhanna Gladko is so far the only one to have began her residency.

 – It is very frustrating that both residence candidates did not arrive at the same time this spring. That was our plan. But visa processing these days is completely unpredictable. I wish I could say that this seems to be resolved quickly, but this is unfortunately not the case. It is a tragedy that these processes are so immensely convoluted, time-consuming and Kafka-like in a modern democratic and highly efficient Norway. Safemuse will continue to work for real change and much better facilitation in the processing of short term residence permits for artists – so that Norway’s practice gets in line with the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity, explains Jan Lothe Eriksen. 

An up-and-coming belarusian artist

Zhanna Gladko (1984) is a graduate of the Republican College of Arts in Minsk and the Department of Easel Graphics at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts. Since 2010, she has been involved in a variety of professional activities including numerous exhibitions. In her artistic works, Gladko seeks to construct ambivalent images, rethinking and deconstructing extensive concepts, such as the system of art and society, religion and culture, history and memory, gender policy, the analysis of the role of contemporary museums and the subject of identity crisis. Gladko deliberately and simultaneously highlights and actualises these societal issues by exploring them through her private experiences and by means of photography, installations, text, video, painting and other visual techniques. 

– My art practice for the past two years has been concerned with the processes that are taking place in contemporary society. In 2020-2021, I was able to participate in a number of exhibition projects that were related to rethinking the events that took place in Belarus. My program series is the Inciting Force cycle, which initially focused on the analysis of conflictual relationships with the father. Later the series expanded considerably, both medially and thematically: the main focus became the study of mechanisms, power relations in the social field, the gender dimension, in culture, interpersonal relations, etc. The issue of conflict and the dialogue of divergent or antagonist systems is a direction I keep exploring. Collective history always makes its way to a person’s life as a part of one’s personal history. In my opinion, now we are living in times when it is a personal action that can actually make a difference, Gladko explains. 

The autobiographical angle has become important for Gladko’s practice. She considers the personal story as something that can be correlated with any system: art, religion, or politics. In her art she aims to demonstrate the principle of social relations on a global level by exploring how the sphere of private life manifests itself in certain political, economic, social, and ideological contexts. 

– We are living in challenging historical times with the Overton Window constantly shifting in society. And it is the issues of distortion, deformation, changes in space and in the information field, fracture and fragmentation, constant rewriting of memory and past events, in the course of which history turns into the phantom. As an artist, I am interested in observing, examining, and recording these processes, Gladko says. 

– Of course, my observations, as well as my creative and analytical research need the opportunity to move freely, travel and interact with other people and communities, to speak openly on various topics without fear of persecution, restriction of freedom or violence. This is extremely difficult in the complicated political situation in Belarus, where all independent cultural initiatives have been closed down and eliminated, Gladko reflects.

Zhanna Gladko explores manifestations of the personal, autobiographical and social relations in the global realm in her art.

An impressive artistic universe

As a visual artist and residence coordinator in Safemuse, Jon Lundell says that it has been a privilege to get to know Zhanna and her artistic universe: 

– The multitude and diverse visual and emotional message she brings out are both intellectually stimulating and visually refreshing. Her research and work with archives, both immaterial and material, are very interesting and raise many important and interesting questions about what societies choose to put in storage for future generations. These archives are important for how nations and people define themselves. In times of war and authoritarian regimes, art and artists are used, or not used, to forefront a certain image that necessarily is not true and sometimes even false. 

– We hope that Zhanna Gladko will be able to use her time in residence to dive deeper into her artistic research and to do so freely and at the same time create new connections and put her work into different contexts. But perhaps the most important is being able to breath at a normal pace, not the anxious way, the pace that allows you to not be afraid of surveillance, incarnation or razzias, Lundell says. 

Zhanna Gladko has created an impressive range of works, here from the project Inciting Force (2012)
Vicious Circle (2021)

A busy first two months

A mere week after she began her artistic residency with Safemuse, Zhanna Gladko traveled to Stockholm to attend Supermarket 2022, an independent art fair in the Swedish capital Stockholm. Galleries from different countries were represented at the fair and Gladko attended it together with the Belarusian gallery Space KX. The exhibition had a special focus on the art of Belarusian female artists and the Swedish Sundsvalls Museum bought Gladko’s series of works for its collection. Gladko underlines the importance of Space KX as an alternative, independent gallery in Brest, focused on contemporary art, as well as theater and performative practices. Like all other independent initiatives in Belarus, Space KX was forced to close and its directors migrated at risk of persecution and are currently organising exhibitions in the digital space.

Back in Norway the 30th and 31st of May, she joined the Safemuse team and attended the First World Expression (WEXFO) in the Norwegian city of Lillehammer. The aim of the international forum was to provide a mutual arena for those with a firm belief in the freedom of expression as a prerequisite for global sustainable development.

In June, Gladko traveled to Germany where she attended Documenta 2022 in Kassel, participated in an exhibition in Leipzig and took part in the literary festival Air Berlin Alexanderplatz (ABA). The project Ambasada of Culture involved the directors of the Y gallery (Ў галерэя сучаснага мастацтва / Y gallery) – an iconic place in Minsk that became an important independent art center in our country, but was also closed in 2020, and both directors were forced to leave the country because of persecution. All of their archives were confiscated.

– These are the colleagues with whom I plan to do a series of interviews during my residency in Oslo and begin the work of restoring the archives, Gladko says. 

Check out Zhanna Gladko’s homepage to see more of her artistic works:

Zhanna Gladko pictured at the first World Expression Forum in Lillehammer together with the general manager of Safemuse, Jan Lothe Eriksen, and residence coordinator Jon Lundell (Photo: Akari Izumi Kvamme).
OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...

Administration Fri Kunst News Safe Residencies

Safemuse er bekymret over regjeringens kutt til menneskerettighetsarbeid i revidert statsbudsjett

Revidert Statsbudsjett: Regjeringens kutt til menneskerettighetsarbeid skaper bekymring

May 13, 2022

Regjeringen møter ikke situasjonen verden står i

I forslag til revidert statsbudsjett 2022, som ble lagt frem på torsdag, foreslår regjeringen å kutte støtten til satsinger på menneskerettigheter, menneskerettighetsforsvarere, kvinners rettigheter, arbeidstakerrettigheter, ytringsfrihet, rettsstat og demokrati med 136 millioner kroner. Daglig leder i Safemuse, Jan Lothe Eriksen, er dypt bekymret for det foreslåtte kuttet på over 20 prosent i en urolig tid hvor behovet for å prioritere menneskerettighetsarbeid er større enn på lenge:

– Det er dypt foruroligende og meget overraskende at regjeringen velger å foreslå å kutte i budsjettposten som er satt av til arbeid for menneskerettigheter og menneskerettighetsforkjempere. I en tid med økende press mot ytringsfrihet og menneskerettighetsforkjempere, inkludert kunstnere, i Europa er dette området viktigere enn noen gang. Det foreslåtte kuttet er i sterk motsetning til hva regjeringen har signalisert så langt. Utenriksdepartementets egen strategi på dette området er krystallklar, og den løfter frem kunstnere som viktige menneskerettighetsforkjempere og demokratibyggere. Og Kulturminister Anette Trettebergstuen fremholdt under åpningen av Fri Kunst-konferansen 4. mars at dette område er noe av det viktigste man kan arbeide for, nettopp med henvisning til krigen i Ukraina og den urolige tiden vi lever i. Sist under Europakonferansen i Kristiansand 5. mai, hvor vel rammene for budsjettet var lagt, gjentok statssekretær i Kulturdepartementet Odin Adelsten Aunan Bohmann, viktigheten av å beskytte ytringsfrihet og kulturelle rettigheter, og påpekte kunstnernes viktige rolle som demokratiforkjempere.

Med Hurdalplattformens klare formulering på dette området blir budsjettforslaget helt uforståelig. I denne tiden er det snarere behov for en opptrapping og styrking av dette arbeidet, og ikke å foreta dramatiske budsjettkutt! 


The government does not heed to the situation in the world

In the proposal for the revised state budget 2022, which was presented on Thursday, the Norwegian government proposes to cut the support for work related to human rights, human rights defenders, women’s rights, labor rights, freedom of expression, the rule of law and democracy by NOK 136 million. Safemuse’s general manager, Jan Lothe Eriksen, is deeply concerned that a more-than-20 percent-cut is proposed in these turbulent times when the need for these funds is acute: 

– It is deeply disturbing and very surprising that the government chooses to propose cuts in the effort for human rights and human rights defenders. In times of increasing pressure on freedom of expression and human rights defenders, including artists, in Europe, this area is more important than ever. The proposed cut is in stark contrast to what the government has signaled so far. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ own strategy in this area is crystal clear, and it highlights artists as important human rights defenders and democracy-builders. At the opening of the Artistic Freedom Conference on March 4th, the Minister of Culture, Anette Trettebergstuen, emphasised that this area is one of the most important areas to work for, particularly with reference to the war in Ukraine and the turbulent times we live in. Most recently during the European Conference in Kristiansand on May 5th, State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Odin Adelsten Aunan Bohmann, reiterated the importance of protecting freedom of expression and cultural rights, and highlighted the important role of artists as pro-democracy activists.

With a national political platform that clearly states the importance of human rights efforts, the budget proposal becomes completely incomprehensible. This is the time to escalate and strengthen this work, rather than to make a dramatic budget cut!

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2025! June 14, 2024 Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open for artists from all ...

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand

About us Support us Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke

Når kunsten er å gjøre motstand​ Den iranske rapperen Toomaj Salehi er dømt til døden for å bruke kunsten sin til å formidle motstand til det autoritære regimet i hans hjemland. En kunstner er dømt til døden. En stemme skal stilnes. Presteregimet har talt. Den iranske musikeren Toomaj Salehi får ikke ...

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten?

About us Support us Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at

Skal UDI ødelegge for kunsten? Debattinnlegg skrevet av: Celina Jerman Bright-Taylor (daglig leder i Safemuse) og Heidi Marie Kriznik (programmedarbeider i Safemuse)   For at kunsten skal kunne redde oss, må det legges til rette for det. Økonomisk ja, men også ved å sikre de stemmene som risikerer alt for at ...

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech

About us Support us I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for

I hope to rediscover freedom of speech Varun Narain interviewed in BLIKK magazine Varun Narain is a queer puppeteer and live performance director from India. He combines modern and traditional puppetry and works on articulating gender fluidity and sexuality. Narain has taught Puppetry and contemporary communication at Jamia Millia University for ...

Varun Narain – A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival

About us Support us ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by

ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE VARUN NARAIN: A universe of puppetry, botany & queer survival Varun Narain held an an artistic intervention at the Artistic Freedom Conference 2024 in Oslo. Photo: Jannik Abel If you find yourself in Oslo between the 10th and 13th of March, you have the rare opportunity to experience ‘Dark&Delicious’ by ...

Fri Kunst dagskonferanse 2024 / Artistic Freedom Conference 2024

About us Support us FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle

FRI KUNST DAGSKONFERANSE 2024 / ARTISTIC FREEDOM CONFERENCE 2024 Fri Kunst konferanse, 1. mars på Riksscenen, Oslo For tredje året på rad arrangerer Safemuse en dagskonferanse på Riksscenen under Fri Kunst-uken i begynnelsen av mars. Dagen byr på samtaler som setter søkelys på den frie kunsten og kunstneres endringskraft og rolle ...

Meet our newest staff members

About us Support us Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last

Meet our newest staff members Heidi Marie Kriznik (left) and Tiril Ellingsen Thue are the newest additions to Safemuse’s administration. Photo: Espen Tollefsen / Akari Izumi Kvamme We are happy to present Safemuse’s newest staff members: Tiril Ellingsen Thue and Heidi Marie Kriznik. Tiril has been involved with Safemuse since last ...


About us Support us Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as

Safemuse has been evaluated: VISA PROCESSING THE GREATEST CHALLENGE Report cover photo: Ghawgha Taban, guest artist in the City of Harstad (Photo: Knut Utler) The evaluation praises the way Safemuse work with censored, threatened and persecuted artists from all over the world, but we are criticized for not marketing ourselves as ...

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024!

About us Support us OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open

OPEN CALL – Oslo and Hvitsten Art Haven 2024! June 1, 2023 Artwork by Zhanna Gladko Artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration In 2022 Safemuse invited for the first round of safe residency placements in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, in cooperation with Nordic Black Theatre. Two six month residencies open ...

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project

About us Support us Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the

Wrocław Institute of Culture/ Hvitsten Salong/ Safemuse residency project May 31, 2023 Art walk at Hvitsten Salong. (Photo: Hvitsten Salong) MEET THE ARTISTS OF “WHOSE VOICES ARE HEARD” We are pleased to announce that we are inviting 12 minority artist living in Poland and Norway and one artist from outside the ...